
Showing posts from April, 2021

Black Girl Magic in Wrestling

  The excellence of.... This week of wrestling was for black wrestling fans. WrestleMelanin! So much black talent within wrestling was winning from being champions in major promotions, having an all black wrestling show, WaleMania, more wrestlers getting shine on big promotions... it was the blackest Mania week ever! But really it was for black women wrestling that was truly winning across the board.  First you had the announcement of  the biggEST match on the Mania 37 card being announced as the main event: Bianca vs Sasha for the SD women championship . It was gonna main event night one and the amount of happiness from wrestling fans, women wrestling fans and specifically black women were . WWE announced them before the go-home episode of SD going into Mania AND on Bianca’s birthday. The article that came out earlier with Jazz, Bianca, Sasha and Naomi was everything to read and then the news broke! It was so special and was worth all the hashtags that fans were pushing TO main event

The Cuteness of Tam Nakano

      Tam Nakano is the next babyface in wrestling to win fans hearts. Her face run in Stardom within the last year showcase why she’s going to the next level as a star. Her in-ring work, her backstory leading to her face work, and her program with Giulia propelled her to the top babyface of Stardom. She’s currently  Wonder of Stardom Champion and going to elevate the title even more.  Backstory : Everything with the atmosphere when Tam comes out is warm. Tam’s presentation is very colorful with pink/ purple gears. Her theme song is very cheerful. She’s very joyful and happy when she makes her entrance. She’s really likeable and charming. Her mannerisms and attitude is very sweet and cute especially when she having pre-match interviews and interacting with her friends. Her appearance is cute underdog babyface status status quo in wrestling. Which is shocking to me when I research her backstory to see she was in Odeo Tai. The contrast in her presentation is telling. She went from darkne