The Cuteness of Tam Nakano


   Tam Nakano is the next babyface in wrestling to win fans hearts. Her face run in Stardom within the last year showcase why she’s going to the next level as a star. Her in-ring work, her backstory leading to her face work, and her program with Giulia propelled her to the top babyface of Stardom. She’s currently Wonder of Stardom Champion and going to elevate the title even more. 


Everything with the atmosphere when Tam comes out is warm. Tam’s presentation is very colorful with pink/ purple gears. Her theme song is very cheerful. She’s very joyful and happy when she makes her entrance. She’s really likeable and charming. Her mannerisms and attitude is very sweet and cute especially when she having pre-match interviews and interacting with her friends. Her appearance is cute underdog babyface status status quo in wrestling. Which is shocking to me when I research her backstory to see she was in Odeo Tai. The contrast in her presentation is telling. She went from darkness to the light. With her environment changed, she changed. Her behavior in Odeo Tai was a lot different from what you see now with her: helping them win matches, helping beating up opponents, and bringing them food after their matches. She was their manager for the most part. They were family and they benefited from having her.  She had fun with them until issues with Kagetsu leadership and then a big five vs five match with Queens Quest. The stipulation being whoever drew last from the losing team would leave the group... and Tam left. She lost in the final moments against Momo and so she had to leave Odeo Tai. (This was her return match from injury btw). Queens Quest immediately tried to take in Tam but Mayu got to Tam and offered her something Tam needed: to be in her group. They formed Stardom’s Army (becoming Stars later on). Tam would have to start over from Odeo Tai; now with Mayu. However, their relationship becomes Tam being obsessive of Mayu; she would live for her because Mayu saved her at that dark moment. Mayu would slowly herself from Tam but keep her in Stars.

Tam had to finish the issues with Odeo Tai by getting help from Io Shirai; teaming with her in an exploding death match. In order to truly move forward with her career, she needed to put the past to bed. And she did! Tam won; beating Odeo Tai. Overtime, Tam developed her own persona mainly about her cuteness and being an idol. Her honor, dedication, being really supportive of others and having powers of being cute really made her a likeable face. Tam should start wrestling more and more; coming up short but gaining more out of the loss like a friendship or even more passion. Eventually, those setbacks led to her winning her first title being the Artist of Stardom title with Mayu and Sami. 

Tam biggest feuds in her career 

-Arisa vs Tam story was based off of jealousy and grew into respect and friendship. Arisa came out of retirement, returned to Stardom and rejoined with Mayu. Tam was jealous, against Arisa joining Stars and overtime Tam being disrespectful despite Arisa trying to win her over. This all culminated when Tam challenging Arisa for the Wonder of Stardom title on June 16, 2019.  Their emotion and intensity in their match turned into Tam respecting and accepting Arisa despite losing the match. They created a special bond in that match: Tam promised to take the title from Arisa and get better. They both wanted that. They wanted to wrestle with respect next time and so afterwards, they tagged with each other. Unfortunately, Arisa retired once again leaving them unable to have their blowoff respect match and Tam not being able to fulfill her promise. Despite not getting that match, this story propelled Tam to the next level.


Giulia and Tam’s story was based on earning respect, and Tam proving herself against Giulia. Giulia instantly came in with success: winning titles, getting big matches, and being an instant star. Tam, on the other hand, was getting lost in the shuffle, losing matches, and she just lost her friend in Arisa. She had to prove herself ultimately and that came in facing Giulia multiple times. Unfortunately for Tam, she lost to Giulia at the Yokohama Cinderella 2020 show for the Wonder of Stardom title. But Tam wasn’t going to give up. She needed to beat Giulia to prove why she belong in Stardom. Giulia went on to defend the title while Tam kept focusing on Giulia. Tam even challenged Giulia again but Giulia wasn’t having it. Giulia looked down on Tam; ultimately seeing Tam as not worthy of facing her or not a threat to her. If Giulia was gonna accept this challenge, something has to be on the line. That lead to the stipulation of hair being on the line. They accepted and at the All Star Cinderella Main Event for the Wonder of Stardom championship, it was Giulia vs Tam in a hair match. The match had competitiveness, disrespect and viciousness from Giulia, and Tam fighting spirit. Tam turned it up to the next level to win the match. She finally did it!  She beat Giulia, won the title, and earned Giulia respect. They had a moment in post match of Giulia getting her head shave, them respecting each other and Giulia raising her hand. After Giulia left, Tam emotions poured out because she achieved her goal. She collapsed at the ramp way with the title. She finally proved herself and everyone that she belong at Stardom and she can succeed.  


Tam and Natsupoi story is based off their broken friendship. They were friends: Natsupoi taught Tam wrestling as Tam was starting off and they bonded but slowly they drifted apart as Tam ventured off to bigger things. Natsupoi held a grudge, belittled Tam after challenging her and even ridiculed her best moments with Tam like tearing up their photos in a press conference. Tam was heartbroken by Natsupoi but still was going to defend her title and honor. They wrestled with emotions: Natsupoi with the disrespect of a water bottle and Tam returning the favor. The longer the match went on, the more Natsupoi was breaking. More of her emotions poured: she missed her friendship with Tam. She hated that Tam abandoned her but she missed her. They continue to battle till Tam won and retain her Wonder of Stardom championship. The win was more than about the title. It was about mending their friendship, ending Natsupoi disrespect and forgiveness.

 So overall, Tam is an incredible babyface who went through so much hardship to find herself: from her leaving Odeo Tai, losing many matches, finding her own voice and her feuds with Giulia and Natpusoi.. Tam has shown so much heart, honor and fighting spirit  to become the Wonder of Stardom Champion. She went from being a member of a group to being her own person AND leader of the Cosmic Angels. She went from living for Mayu to fighting for herself.  She went from being funny chaotic evilness  to honorable cute babyface. She has so much passion and storytelling within her feuds and matches. She won’t let anyone disrespect her anymore. She has so much passion to win and that’s what she’s doing now! She’s winning with passion and honor. She’s THE babyface of Stardom currently and that’s not changing anytime soon.    

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