
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Fun Spirit of Willow

                      “The Babe with the Power” Willow Nightingale     Willow Nightingale has been a remarkable performer in the independent scene whether it be within tag team wrestling or as a singles star. She has made her mark in NYWC, CHIKARA, WoW and  Beyond Wrestling  to name just a few, and now she gets a chance to showcase her talents in AEW .   She has worked her way throughout the wrestling world and build a following by being a quirky powerhouse women wrestler.   The first time I noticed Willow Nightingale was within her match with Jennacide. Instantly I was a fan of her. Her purple afro, her pink to purple gear, her personality. She’s having fun and challenging Jennacide to dance battle. I watched more of her early matches and had a better understanding of her: she’s an athletic powerhouse wrestler who has fun and can be intense within matches. She can do spinebusters but also hit moonsaults. She’s strong AND athletic! She’s fun but intense later one She can have moments o

Mission Pro Wrestling

  Mission Pro Wrestling IS women wrestling!  Women wrestling in Texas is booming with upcoming talents. Reality of Wrestling has many women you should be paying attention to: Hyan, Promise Braxton, Rok-C, Raychell Rose…etc! Great talent across the board in RoW, on Texas wrestling shows and rising up the ranks.  Women wrestling within Texas is taking over and it shows even within an all women promotion called Mission Pro Wrestling . This promotion has slowly grown a following the last couple years ; showcasing a all women brand. Matches, commentary, management… it’s all women wrestling! Thunder Rosa became more vocal on women wrestling, their positions, and treatment within wrestling on and off screen. With the Speaking Out movement within wrestling, Thunder Rosa felt she had to create an safe empowering environment for women: “   Actually, it was my husband and my friend Jeremiah that were the ones that were running Mission Pro Wrestling before…After [SpeakingOut] I kind of feel like i