The Fun Spirit of Willow



      “The Babe with the Power” Willow Nightingale

    Willow Nightingale has been a remarkable performer in the independent scene whether it be within tag team wrestling or as a singles star. She has made her mark in NYWC, CHIKARA, WoW and Beyond Wrestling to name just a few, and now she gets a chance to showcase her talents in AEW. She has worked her way throughout the wrestling world and build a following by being a quirky powerhouse women wrestler. The first time I noticed Willow Nightingale was within her match with Jennacide. Instantly I was a fan of her. Her purple afro, her pink to purple gear, her personality. She’s having fun and challenging Jennacide to dance battle. I watched more of her early matches and had a better understanding of her: she’s an athletic powerhouse wrestler who has fun and can be intense within matches. She can do spinebusters but also hit moonsaults. She’s strong AND athletic! She’s fun but intense later one She can have moments of fun AND dominate her opponents. (She reminds me of Big E). She is having fun within wrestling and that’s what we need more of: wrestlers being themselves and having fun. Yes she’s strong and athletic but her colorful look and likability is what makes her stands out. She has this bubbly personality to her that’s so charming; that makes her her. She’s a natural as a babyface and has a great smile.

She was in the AEW crowds and it was only a matter of time before it translated to her wrestling on one of their programs; and it did. She was appearing on AEW Elevation against Thunder Rosa. Fans, wrestlers and everyone was giving her so much support going into the match. Many said it was her day and it is. Deonna, Savannah Evans, and many others showed her love. Suge. D’s tweet was the best one that sums up my feelings on Willow: the wrestling world needs her. Many tuned in for Elevation to see her! Fans support even went towards a #SignWillow hashtag; telling AEW management to sign her because she will be a great asset for the women division. That everything she brings would brighten the women division. Imagine Willow’s bubbly personality vs Jade Cargill’s bitch attitude. Willow vs Big Swole. Willow vs Nyla. Willow vs Shida! Fans want her to win because she’s a great talent AND a good person. That support continued after her match with Thunder Rosa. Despite the match being short, she won fans over. She did a cartwheel to a kick during the match! Her look, personality, wrestling ability can win fans over instantly. The hashtags and praise got louder. She wrestled Diamanté the following week and got more bookings. She’s even going to wrestle Trish Adora at Beyond Wrestling. She’s taking over the indie scenes and is taking over women’s  wrestling quickly with her quirkiness and power. 

My favorite matches of her are against: Ashley Vox, Tasha Steelz, Holidead and Trish Adora. Willow’s tossing opponents in and out the ring while working against different styled wrestlers can create some fun dynamics in the ring. I would love to see her against Bayley, Shayna, or Deonna. Whether in a major company or on the indies, Willow is a game changer! Willow is a bright light within wrestling. She’s a powerful babyface that should never lose her smile. Her smile, moments of dance and fun moments can go a long way. She’s fun to watch and she brings a spark that any wrestling company would have upon their product. One request I hope for her is to be booked on Mission Pro Wrestling. Mission Pro Wrestling is a great brand for women wrestling and Willow would shine there. The crowds would love her. The other women would love her. She would instantly be a fan favorite. I would love her against the WOAD, Masha Slamovich or even La Rosa Negra. The sky is the limit for Willow no matter where she goes.

Overall, Willow is an incredible babyface. She’s an athletic powerhouse who fun and intense. She brings so much energy and comedic relief to the ring.  Willow is everything in the ring is who she is out the ring. She’s authentic and that’s why fans love her. That’s why everyone to the talent love her. Her colorful gear, her big afro, her smile, and her fun personality! All of that will make her one of the top babyfaces of wrestling in the next couple years.

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