The Braid of the Cell

       The Braid of the Cell

On surface level, it was laughing and a braid but it’s a lot more than that with Hell. At Wrestlemania Backlash, Bayley had every trick in the book to get the win: trying to use the ropes, the ring steps on Bianca’s rib, raking Bianca’s eyes, going after Bianca’s ears to gain an advantage, and using Bianca’s braid multiple times. Despite all of this, Bianca used her braid to retain her SD women championship. She turned the tables on Bayley. However, Bayley still saw Bianca as a joke of a champion that got lucky. She kept saying Bianca cheated who needs her hair to win. 

   Bayley  thinks Bianca would be nothing without her braid. That Bianca wouldn’t have won at Wrestlemania if she didn’t use her braid. That Bianca wouldn’t be champion (which is not the case). Why does Bayley really think this ? Why does she have a gripe with Bianca braid?

   There’s more to Bianca braid than just whipping opponents with it. The braid represents Bianca being herself. Being unapologetically her. Her being proud of her truth and not limiting herself for anyone or society. Her braid isn’t just a weapon; it’s an attachment of her. Her being unapologetically herself is part of the reason Bayley can’t stand her. Bayley was once herself: a wrestling fan that had dreams of making it and doing it the right way. She was all smiles, hugs and had a ponytail. She had hope until the likes of Charlotte, Alexa, and Sasha slowly took it out her eyes. They mocked her for being herself with hugs. Til the fans turned on her when she didn’t live up to their expectations anymore. When they stomped on her dreams. They dimmed her light and her fairytale  was gone. After she had a meltdown and realize nobody was there for her, Bayley let go of everything: the hugs, the smiles and ponytail. She cut her ponytail. The ponytail representing her being a good person. It’s said when you cut your hair, it’s to remove yourself from the past. Bayley lost a piece of herself. She lost her happiness so to see a happy-go-lucky babyface with a ponytail succeeding with HER title really troubles her.

  Bayley is upset that Bianca is so confident that she calls herself the EST, Bayley is so upset that Bianca in her eyes didn’t have to fight for her recent success ; that everything comes so easy to her with the braid coming off of Mania. Bayley is so upset that Bianca is everything she was suppose to be. She was suppose to be in the Main Event of wrestlemania. She was suppose to be the true babyface in wrestling. She was suppose to get her fairytale ending again. Bayley is so upset that Bianca can be unapologetically herself but she couldn’t. That’s why she wanted to destroy her inside Hell in the Cell. 

Despite Bianca setting the challenge for a HIAC match, it was Bayley’s dangerous game. She was walking in with experience, laughing, brutality and unpredictability. An unpredictable Bayley is a dangerous one. It was her playground! Bianca was trapped with a woman who had nothing to lose. Furthermore, all the tactics Bayley did at Wrestlemania Backlash was legal too. Bianca was in danger and it showed in parts. Bianca was on heavy defense throughout the match and it was her braid that aided her. Bayley targeted her arm so she couldn’t rely on her strength for most of the time. She needed the braid to defend herself against Bayley chair. She used her braid to trip Bayley. Despite Bayley setting up the braid to hurt Bianca, Bianca turned the tables on Bayley multiple times to get the upper hand. She even tied her braid to Bayley hand. Bayley pushed her to another level. She finished Bayley with a KOD on a ladder. As she stood over Bayley, Bayley tried to coward away. It was almost like Bayley was afraid of what she saw: a stronger version of her former self. She saw that her Hugger self within Bianca win. She couldn’t believe it. Unlike Bayley, Bianca didn’t dim her light. She won’t let someone’s insecurities be put on her. Her braid is nothing to play with; it’s a part of her but it doesn’t defined her.  Bianca doesn’t need her braid but it is her superpower. If she loses it one day, she is still the EST. She didn’t need her braid to beat Bayley the first time. She didn’t need her braid to win the Rumble. She didn’t need her braid when she won trophies in other sports. She is accomplished outside of the braid. She is still the confident babyface that beat Sasha at Mania and the SD women division. She is still Bianca Belair. She knows who she is and that’s why she’s the best!

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