
 Before I move on with any other—- I will address this thing. I have to address it here cuz I did something involving my writing —A week ago I put an emotional Annalise Keating style piece about what happened to me.. it was something I needed to get out after Twitter destruction..  … you will not limit my words. You will not limit my feelings. You will not limit anything I feel. I have a voice and I’m willing to have legit conversations about anything … Naunce, fair debates and be adult. My emotions got the best of me (due to personal things during Thanksgiving weekends and I’m a Cancer (we are emotion). Everything was building up and I lashed out within my articles — and while I understand and listen to everyone on their thoughts and heavy criticism of my emotional piece… (I’ll take an L for some of the things I said; I understand I was truly wrong on doing or saying those things. Some of it was nasty but again; emotion spoke too hard and it was a huge response to all that happened )… I am also feel I’m right or entitled to be on some of the things I did say like colorism itself…no matter how I respond or even if I didn’t …I feel like no one was truly listening the first or second or ten… “don’t listen to respond.. listen to listen..” listen to everything everyone is saying! Listen to what I truly say or ignore me… I’m sorry and I hold myself accountable but I will also say… don’t gaslight and disrespect ME! I matter too! My words matter! 

I want to address this here because I don’t want my articles to suffer from what happened to me recently and my emotional response— I want my articles to be fair and objective. To credit the women and give them grief.. lashing out within my articles was wrong but also—- it was my true outlet and while I hurt some feelings; it was needed to be done to get everything off my chest. Now that it is out there (good and bad), I can truly be in peace. Self care and doing everything I love. As a black woman, I should be better and know better on what to and not to say. What things to do— cuz everyone is watching me and waiting for me to make a “mistake” or wrong action… especially with a growing platform and articles buzz. I lashed out but honestly I was going to in any form… i was. You can’t tell me to limit my feelings cuz it’s gonna be you one day… it will! But honestly, I have handled this a lot better than I would six months ago.. I’m just gonna grow to a better person and “tree” with each passing day. 

I’m done explaining myself overall but I wanted to address it here cuz it’s my blog of articles and I published that article on here— again I’m sorry… truly am and trying to be better and educate myself but also —- respect me. That’s all I’m asking.. or leave me alone. I stand by my words. I stand by my feels. I stand by me. I only got me in the end and that’s fine. We all have to get better 

Hopefully I can get back to writing by this weekend —- maybe an Evolution article. 2022 will be waaayy better for my articles and everything I do with my women wrestling account. No more emotional charge articles —- more fair objective (potentially softly dragging) articles— let’s listen to each other. Let’s give each other grief. Let’s be adults. Hold each other accountable and listen. Listen to listen or be ignorant

-from the “broke struggling Alabama voice black girl who obsessed with your fave”  

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