The Chicken Salad of Bianca and Becky


           The Chicken Salad of Bianca and Becky 

                   The bEST is Shining Bright!

🎵 I'm on my own
Against the wall
The pressure's building
But, no, I will never fall
Instead of crying
They hear me roar
And now I see that
I'm way better
Than before 
I never needed you at all 🎶 

Bianca was in the middle of the B E S T reign as SD women champion: won her first title in the main event of Mania 37, feuded with Bayley, defended inside HIAC, defended the title at Rolling Loud….Bianca was achieving so much so quickly. This was HER year! She was becoming the fastEST rising star in WWE. With Summerslam on the horizon, she was on a huge collision course against Sasha Banks to prove why (once again) she’s the bEST. After a four month absence, Sasha came back to Smackdown with a vengeance against Bianca; manipulating her respect and history making moments to attack Belair for the Smackdown women championship. Bianca didn’t want it to be this way between them.  She wanted competition but Sasha’s mind-games was pushing her to a meaner place. She was ready to end Sasha and continue her reign as SD women champion. 

          Everything Changed in Twenty-Six Seconds…

              Unfortunately for Bianca, Sasha was “unable to compete”. (More likely another four month vacation) Bianca was disappointed and then Carmella was announced as her replacement. The crowd boos and the match is about to be underway until….Whoa Whoa Whoa. After four hundred and sixty six days, The Man has come around! Becky Lynch has made her return! The crowd was electric! Bianca was hyped; she was on the verge of sharing a moment with Becky. Becky gets in the ring and takes care of Carmella. Becky then challenges Bianca to a title match and Bianca accepts. Bell rings, Becky extends a handshake and Bianca accepts, Becky  sucker punches and slams her down. 1-2-3! 26 seconds in total and Becky is the New Smackdown Women champion. Becky’s celebrating as Bianca is in disbelief and emotional of her reigning ending so quickly. It wasn’t suppose to end this way.…..What happened at Summerslam was bullshit! Bianca didn’t deserve that! She was taking us on a journey within this reign, making the most out of every opportunity as champion. She was all about making every moment counted in the reign. She wanted to take everyone on the ride since winning the Royal Rumble; make everyone proud. To face all competition. To get in the ring with the best so she can become the best! She wanted to have the bEST reign. She was ready to finally end Sasha but everything changed for the worst! It wasn’t suppose to end this soon and this quickly. She let her guard down again and it cost her everything. It wasn’t that she wasn’t ready or failed us; it was Becky suckered her in. She trusted Becky and it led to her downfall. Becky was on top of the mountain again but the atmosphere with her was different…

                     The bEST will bounce back! 

Bianca didn’t like what happened at Summerslam but she wasn’t gonna make excuses either. On her first Summerslam, she lost her championship in twenty six seconds. It was the biggest loss of her career. It was embarrassing but she refused to let it define her. What defines someone success is how they go through losses and Bianca Belair wants to bounce back, continue to prove herself and beat The Man. She’s not gonna feel sorry for herself. She intends to get in the ring with Becky and become the greatEST when she wins the SD women title back. She owned up to her mistakes and ready to put Summerslam past her. 

“You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain”

Becky wasn’t gonna apologize for her actions because why would she? She been planning for this moment ever since relinquishing the title over a year ago. She’s the champion again but what she didn’t comprehend the backlash she was getting. Then during the contract signing, the fans let Becky know what it is! She couldn’t believe it; the fans fully turned against her FOR Bianca. Why is she the bad guy? She’s the bad guy because she gave the fans what they wanted? She’s the bad guy because she returned? The fans have always been by her. The fans that cheered for her to become SD women champion in 2016. The same fans that rallied for her going into Summerslam 2018. The same fans that cheered her while she was a heel against Charlotte. The fans always chose to stay by Becky no matter what! The fans cheered her in her purest moments to even her dick-ish ones. They even chanted for her during matches she wasn’t involved in. These are HER fans: the one constant she had in her WWE career. Nobody had a connection to these fans like Becky. They were behind her no matter who she faced…. until now. She didn’t understand it: what made Bianca so special? All Bianca is to her is a “flash in a pan”. To her, Bianca only got successful in the wake of Becky’s absence. Bianca had the run of her career because The Man was gone and it was validated by Summerslam squash… but the squash helped fans get behind Bianca even more. The true reason fans adore Bianca is because she’s genuine. She’s real about everything she been through and refuse to give up; remind you of anyone? Lasskicker Becky in a way. The difference comes with how they react to losses: LassKicker Becky would let the loss eat at her that she would question her own ability. She would eventually doubt herself meanwhile Bianca doesn’t give up herself. Bianca stays true to herself. She is the definition of confidence and she refuse to let anything break her.  Becky can’t break Bianca and the fans is letting it known who is the true champion. Becky can continue to embarrass Bianca as many times she wants but Bianca is gonna SHINE!

This Chicken Salad is Delicious… 

Overall, the chicken shit of Summerslam is turning into delicious chicken salad: Bianca refusing to let Summerslam define her, the relationship of Becky vs the fans, Becky’s heel work….Their chemistry, storytelling and layers within a short time is incredible. Bianca always wanted to face The Man and beat all the 4HW. She wants to prove herself against the best in the division; she wants to be the forefront of the new era of women wrestling and new crop of talent. Meanwhile, Becky is not ready to give up her spot. She worked too hard to get back on top and she’s not gonna give it up anytime soon. The fact that they both won the Rumble and won their Mania main events but Bianca did it in a faster rate angers Becky. She’s finally has someone that could take her spot and that really threatens her. This adding in everything else between them in making Bianca Belair vs Becky Lynch one of the best feuds this year.

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