Women Wrestling Rules!


Women Wrestling has been booming in the last couple days. Many positives and some disappointing ones (like WWE’s Queens Crown) but this article is here to discuss the great women’s of women wrestling in the last week or two.

Also honorable mentions for MLW with their promising women division (Willow Nightingale vs Ashley Vox), Progress women division with their tournament and Rok-C defending her ROH women title everywhere. Willow shines at everyplace she goes and Rok-C has been a breakout star this year. At the age of 19, she has achieved so much. There’s no telling how good she will be within five or ten years.)

The AEW women division getting a secondary championship called the TBS championship. The title is named after the TBS network seeing how Dynamite is moving to TBS early next year. They will have a tournament within the beginning of 2022 to crown their first champion. A few competitors being in the tournament like Jade Cargill, Thunder Rosa, Ruby Solo and Sky Blue. 

The AEW women division has had numerous criticisms throughout the two years. Fans wondering why majority of the women are only on YouTube, why certain stars like Big Swole or Thunder Rosa aren’t getting focus, why Shida (who was the previous champion) got shelved to AEW Dark….  why AEW doesn’t treat their women division like a big deal compared to other divisions in the company. So to see them bringing in a secondary championship doesn’t automatically fix those problems. It shouldn’t take another title to get those women off YouTube (and who knows if this will happen) and have better booking. But at the same time, this championship does allow other girls to be champion while AEW continue to push Britt Baker to the moon. A lot of these women have yet to hold a title. They shouldn’t have to wait to be champion while Britt continues to be one. Some of these women wrestlers are ready to be champion tomorrow: Thunder Rosa, Big Swole, Kris Statlander etc.… They been hungry for something like this. The main thing is when it comes to this title is giving it credibility and the champion is treated as much as a big deal as Britt Baker (the AEW women championship). So overall, I’m mixed on this but happy for those women. 

Pro Unapologetic released their show- Black Girl Magik- on IWTV. A show fully for black women wrestlers and black wrestling fans. Black women wrestlers getting a huge platform to show why they are the most innovative performers, consistently the best and having great matches is awesome to see. The card featured Trish Adora vs Mazzerati, Janai Kai vs Jordan Blade, and even more including the main event tag match. Brooke Valentine and Willow Nightingale vs Trish Adora vs a legend in Jazz. Brooke and Willow are a hilarious powerhouse team and a dream team of Trish and Jazz. This was my first time seeing Brooke and she impressed me with her strength and striking. Willow continues to display her bubbly personality and multi-styles. The best parts was her moments with Trish. The commentators putting over how influential Jazz is and her career was amazing. The tag match was good but what was better was the post match. The competitors and even the ref bowed to Jazz; showing admiration and respect. Then the crowd chanting “Thank You, Jazz”. Jazz getting her flowers for her career and  paving the way for the new generation of black women wrestling. So many black women are impacted by her like Trish Adora. Trish got to tag with Jazz and still wants to face her in a one on one match. All of these women killed it. If you haven’t watched this show, you have to when you get a chance! 

Stardom’s 10th anniversary Grand Final Osaka Dream Cinderella was a fantastic show. So many are calling it the best show of the year. Incredible matches and performances like Ruaka winning the Future of Stardom championship, Tam vs Mayu, and Utami vs Takumi. I love Marvelous got a bigger showcase on this show with Rin Kadokura and Maria wrestling Cosmic Angels’s Mina and Mai. Starlight Kid vs Fukigen Death was a really good match; Death reminding everyone that while she’s all about newspaper and comedy… she is an exceptional wrestler especially against Starlight Kid. Starlight Kid has had great momentum since joining Odeo Tai and winning the High Speed Championship. In the last couple months, she has shined as a singles star. (Her entrance was amazing too.) The six women tag for the Artist of Stardom championships was good; DDM continues to be a dominant force. Hazuki return match to Stardom was terrific. Koguma working technical against Hazuki’s high-flying yet powerhouse style. Hazuki’s cornered codebreaker, a bodyslam with a senton was a great sequence. It was great match back for Hazuki and she later on challenged Utami for a title shot for the World of Stardom championship at the November 3rd show. Syuri vs Saki as a good one up match for Syuri till her encounter with Utami in December. Syuri continues to show why she’s the best women wrestler this year and Saki had a good showcase. 

Mayu vs Tam Nakano for the Wonder of Stardom championship was a magnificent match. I knew we were in for a treat when Tam working aggressive early on. She doesn’t like Mayu and the feelings are mutual. Their history of Mayu not accepting Tam while they were in Stars made Tam resent Mayu. At the same time, Mayu resent Tam for leaving Stars to have her own group in Cosmic Angles. You can feel the disdain from them even from their stare off at the beginning. Tam banging Mayu’s head in the mat… she really didn’t like Mayu. The sequences, kicks, German suplexes, everything about it was incredible! Even with the time limit draw, it was fantastic match. They were still brawling even after the match. Their emotions poured everywhere if they can’t stand each other. It was more than the title in this match. They wanted to beat the hell out of each other. Then you get to the main event of Takumi vs Utami for the World of Stardom championship. Their last match went to a time limit draw and Takumi wanted a shot against Utami. Utami was working more technical here; targeting Utami’s leg. This match was incredible. Utami’s dragon-screws and figure four! Takumi’s suplexes and kicks! It felt like both trying to prove who was the best wrestler in the match. Utami retained and beat Takumi in the main event. Utami’s intense powerhouse style is like no other and her matches have been crazy to witness. She has been an incredible champion especially since her encounters with Syuri. 

TJPW’s Wrestle Princess 2 was the biggest event especially with the main event of Maki Itoh vs Miyu Yamashita for the Princess of Princess championship. It was a fun card: good wrestling mixed with comediac action ending with a strong main event. I loved Veny and Yuki’s Telephone entrance. Everything about it was incredible from the gears, the setup and them having fun. Veny’s charisma and the way they carry their-self screams star. Miu Watanabe is cute, a singer but she’s incredibly strong. You wouldn’t think that by first glance of her. She went viral from doing a double swing; even with Cesaro praising her. It was something unreal. She tried to swing Aja Kong to no avail but she did slammed her down. Miu off these two moments is a standout for TJPW. She’s likeable, gives performances within her group at the beginning of every show, has unbelievable strength and is good in the ring. Another stand out for me is Hyper Misao. She’s a great comedic wrestler with a superhero gimmick. She’s so extra with getting wrestlers to accept her. She was doing crossbodies and hitting opponents with her sign. I LOVE Neo-Biishiki-gun. Their presentation. Their theme song. Their act. Their tag team moves… their entrance. They are my favorite tag team in women wrestling currently. Sakisama is a star. Mei’s chaotic energy especially hitting her opponents with the broom and flying off the turnbuckle with it. I love how they pose in-between moves. They are an incredible act and tag team at TJPW. Then to the main event with Maki Itoh and Miyu Yamashita. These two have a great history and friendship but the title is what mattered. Maki has never beaten Miyu and the question was is she gonna do it here with the title on the line. This match was really good. Miyu has the best kicks in the business; being so crisp and stiff. The counters in this match including Maki catching Miyu off one of her kicks was exceptional. The ending sequence of Maki knowing she was about to lose (with the scream) was heartbreaking…then she lost. As painful it was to watch Maki not win the championship here, Miyu Yamashita is on another level. She been Princess of Princess champion for 160+ days. She’s a huge staple for TJPW. She’s been dominating as champion and Maki gonna need to bring way more up to beat her friend. Maki even told Miyu to bring the best version of her so there’s no excuses for who loses. Maki gonna learn from this and make it her mission to beat Miyu. She gonna come back stronger. Overall, this was a really good show and it’s amazing to see TJPW get more fans to watch their product. They getting more buzz and delivered a great show. I can’t wait for their next show. One of my mutuals who is a huge TJPW fan (@abid5706) recommended me to watch the show and recommended me to subscribe to their network. If you want to know more about their product, I recommend going to him. I’m glad I listened to him; it’s a good deal to of their subscriptions too.  

Everything about Knockouts Knockdown was spectacular. The opening (and multiple) tributes to Daffney, breakout star performances, the matches, and surprises. Awesome Kong speech was beautiful especially the tribute to Daffney. Multiple incredible matches on this show ranging from the tournament matches, the Knockouts title match, the Monsters Ball match. All the women delivered on this show including the commentary (Veda Scott and Mickie James). The opening match with Lady Frost and Rachel was a good way to open the show. Deonna vs Masha was an incredible showing for Masha and continues Deonna’s dominance of the Knockouts division. Masha has a badass look and a badass in the ring. This is one of my favorite Deonna matches. Masha Slamovich is officially signed to Impact Wrestling; hopefully they sign Lady Frost after how she did against Rachel Ellering. Chelsea Green had a really good showing especially against Tasha Steelz. Tasha is delivering in this potential singles run and it showed in this tournament; from her matches with Chelsea and Mercedes Martinez. Her promos, attitude, and high-flying +aggressive in ring ability. She has everything to become Knockouts champion within the next year and Impact should capitalize on her. But she didn’t win the tournament… Mercedes Martinez did! Mercedes owned the whole tournament! Her matches with Rachel Ellering -spinning slam is INCREDIBLE- and Tasha was the best matches in the tournament. Her performances showed why all these companies should throw money at her and have her as the foundation of their women divisions. Getting a big showcase (right after her WWE release) and making the most of it is great to see. Now she has the opportunity of facing either Mickie James or Deonna for the Knockouts championship. Either match will be great but Deonna vs Mercedes excite me more: Deonna submission work with Mercedes powerhouse style. Then after the Knockouts tag title match, the reveal of the IInspiration coming to Bound for Glory and receiving a tag title opportunity. Impact is a good spot for them. They gonna shine especially with all the opposing wacky characters in the KO division like Rosemary.  

Overall this was a great PPV for the Knockouts division and I would highly recommend watching it if you haven’t. Impact has the best women division in the United States because all their women deliver and all shine consistently.

Naomi and Sonya feud has been really excellent so far. Naomi continue and continue to ask for an opportunity to showcase her abilities while Sonya dismissing Naomi as a competitor on her roster. Naomi refusing to back down against authority. Naomi’s social media game on Sonya ; her ability to advance their feud to get fans talking even more and rallying her for is great. Sonya abusing her power to make Naomi life a living hell is great content. It makes you want to see Naomi whoop her ass. This feud is more great when you realize what it means overall with Naomi. It’s a reflection of WWE barely giving Naomi the opportunities to showcase all her talents. Naomi would trend off of impressive moments (like her Rumble returns), have fans rooting for her hard.. doing everything right and WWE would drop the ball. They would not give her big matches, not consistently feature her, not give her storylines that can tell you would she is. She has everything to be a top star in the women division along with the 4HW, Alexa, Asuka, Bianca etc… She can wrestle, has an impressive and deep move set, she can cut a promo, she can work babyface and heel. She’s a great babyface. She’s likeable and over with the fans. She’s entertaining and makes watching her wrestle fun. I hope this storyline is the start of Naomi getting more opportunities and consistently featured but right now… I’m enjoying this feud.

Becky vs Sasha just happened and their chemistry is insanely phenomenal. The technical work to the innovative spots they bring out. Everytime they wrestle each other, they make magic.  Everytime Sasha wrestles, it’s a big match feel… and she makes the match live up to that plus more. She gonna give her ALL into every match she’s in. She’s the best in the world for a reason. The standard for the WWE’s women division. She gives everyone their best match or pulls the best out of her opponent. She has incredible chemistry with everyone and it’s untouchable. She makes magic with everyone.  Becky return has been phenomenal work. Her feud with Bianca has been magnificent with the storytelling and their match with Extreme Rules. Becky is better than ever in the ring since she returned. She’s moving quicker, she bringing out new moves, and she wrestling the best opponents. The double-underhook slam to the armbar was great. She looked even better here against Sasha. The spots in this match: Sasha catching Becky (coming off the steel steps) to the bank statement, the dis-arm-her on the top rope, the running bulldog combo, the leg drop, the double knees… all of this while commercial free. They wrestled like they were on PPV. This is (in my opinion) their third best match. They got nearly 20 minutes and there was no dull moment in it. They had you hooked to every move they did. This match was so great that it’s already argued that it’s the best TV WWE match of the year. Their Crown Jewel match with Bianca Belair is highly anticipated. All three women have shined and have good momentum going in. The build has been chaotic with all three at certain points standing tall. From Sasha explosive return at ER, Becky on commentary, Bianca KOD through the table at the contract signing… everything has been great. They have main evented and opened Raw and Smackdowns. It feels like a huge deal with three elite performers.

Overall, these are my thoughts on all the good wrestling within women wrestling lately. I hope you guys enjoy (whether you agree or disagree)

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