The Year of Flair once again


She is  it! Charlotte Flair has had one of her best years in WWE. In terms of character work, promos, in ring performances and having the presence… Charlotte once again reminds everyone why she’s the Queen and why WWE has continued to push her since day one of her push. However,  Charlotte has been getting scrutinized for her push, heavy nepotism due to her father, the accusations of attitude problems and hogging titles. 

Is all the criticism warranted? If Charlotte is performing to the best of her ability in every area, I say no. If Charlotte having great promos many times… having incredible matches with most of her opponents… giving her all in smaller matches and non title program stuff… consistently selling for her opponents even if they lose to her… if she did majority of these things, then the criticism isn’t warranted. The criticism would be unnecessary like it is with Becky Lynch currently… with Sasha Banks sometimes. The Horsewomen does get some criticism for being the spotlight so much so many years later. However, this is how top stars in WWE are booked. They ARE gonna be in the title picture. They are gonna get big stories over others. They ARE gonna be in the main event scene majority of the time. That’s top star booking. It’s how Stone Cold Steve Austin got over like winning the Rumble three times. How partially why Triple H became a dominant force in Raw 2002-2005. How Roman is running WWE since becoming face of the company. This is nothing new with top stars…. But the question at hand is does Charlotte warrant a lot of this criticism that has followed her for years? Does she do the things listed to pull back on said criticism? Well (in my opinion) …no. Charlotte deserve some criticism for her naive nature of her push that WWE has given her, her attitude and unprofessional moments, and her not being consistent in the ring yet pushed over other stars; stars that one can argue that are better total packages than her. Overwhelming criticism like the one she gets can be hard to handle but she has developed some thick skin over the years. Charlotte has gotten a non stop push but she hasn’t done the complete deal of what fans think a top star should do; barely anyone benefits from working from her beyond having good matches (and even then…), she no sells something or someone depending on the opponent or story, she looks bored sometimes because she’s over what she’s given… she literally had a shoot fight deal with Nia Jax. She has improved and delivered a lot within this year especially in terms of promos and in ring ability. But this year doesn’t erase all the questionable moments. I want to fair and like Charlotte actually. I have been heavily critical of her push but I DO see the potential and why people say she’s *that* good. When she turns it on, she is a top tier performer and she shows why she’s warranted of said push. She’s believed she’s the best and that’s her right. Top stars come with egos, if you don’t believe your fave hasn’t politiked in some form. Charlotte is just the biggest example of this recently. She represents what most top stars do in this industry. Even when she goes it so good in her booking, she still feels she deserve better and should be in this position. That’s fair but the issue comes with her mentality and ego hurting others. She can’t handle booking the shows but she can handle how she performs and handle criticism.

When it comes to her nepotism and her relationship with Ric. Charlotte this year has distanced herself from her father. She was disgusted in her behavior and his relationship with Ric. She cut one of her best promos and had an emotional real moment with her dad; cutting him off but still saying she loves him. She want to honor his legacy but she slowly dropped his mannerisms and Flair gear esque. For the most part, Charlotte felt like a tribute act of WWE wanting Ric Flair. She wasn’t completely like him because she was more athletic and she had the Queen gimmick to fall back on… but it felt like: “Who was Charlotte outside of Ric Flair?”. She answered that bu having villain esque gears more in her heel run, being dominant once again and being “The Opportunity”. Now when it comes to her nepotism and the opportunities… you would be an idiot to deny that her connection to her dad plays a huge part of her push. It does; she is in the title picture all the time, consistent main events… she got to win the Rumble, NXT title and beat said NXT stars. She had an NXT run, won the tag titles upon her return after her break and been prominently featured. She’s a top star but her push started because of her dad and WWE love for him. Now her the origin of said push doesn’t negate her ability to live up to it from time to time. She’s not the first to have a push due to nepotism and she won’t be the last. Randy Orton is a good example because he did get a break through his connections and why he did deliver at times… his behavior and backstage antics to the best of him and nearly cost him a lot. WWE gave him so many chances and his name got him cleared. The “Randy Orton” rule when it comes to his suspensions. He stomped out Kofi’s push after Kofi forgot to stay down for a punt; calling in stupid. He has a looooong history of territotizing divas, not trying, and being an asshole. Only recently does Orton not want to be that guy and give back to wrestling. My point is… if you gonna criticize Charlotte for too star booking, these instances and nepotistic push… you gotta criticize others. But the gag is… fans HAVE criticized top male stars from Shawn, Hogan, Cena, Orton… to even Roman  (even female ones like Moolah and Tessa). Charlotte loves to play the “I’m a woman” card when it comes to her push. She has played it up multiple times especially this year. She did in a Twitter thread; responding to Daily DDT (when they were analyzing her push and wondering was her criticisms warranted). She said the following (**check out photo) and why she is right overall on the double standard women performers get compared to the men… she is wrong because fans are critical of these male performers. Do the women get it worst than the men? Yes. It gets disgusting with the misogyny and problematic nature fans take their hate based off booking… but Charlotte is using this cop out to avoid criticism on her push. I would actually applaud her if she owns up on why she’s pushed the way she does; but she does say she’s pushed this hard because she’s THAT good. And you wanna know what? She has a right to feel that way. We can say and have our opinions but if she feels she’s the best, that’s her right. My motto when it comes to pushes is: “if you can meet you push in some forms, no criticism from me…” and some feel she doesn’t. She has qualifies that warrant her push like (being a white woman)… her athleticism, being reliable; barely getting hurt, looking like a star and delivering on the big stage. She has most of everything to be a star. The twinkle is THERE! But there are things that get in the way ….



Of course, fans have taken it too far with criticism of Charlotte. Going after her body and her looks like a woman can’t be muscular and get work done. Charlotte (like any other woman has had insecurity issues ) and been called a man based on her muscles. She literally told she looks like she dad… yet that’s the point cuz that’s her dad. Genetics people! So when she alters her body for her own confidence, she’s told she’s fake and somehow this means something for her in ring career. She had this alot in her run but it got worst with Becky’s problematic language. Becky mocked Charlotte getting plastic surgery multiple times. If Charlotte partly resents Becky for this, it’s understandable because Becky echoed the same rhetoric has said about Charlotte body. Becky isn’t the only one (when there has been a few others on screen)  but her tweets and language gives more reason for fans to come harder on Charlotte for something they shouldn’t. Her body and she should do what she pleases with it. Worry about your own body! She is confident in her own skin and what she has. There is nothing with getting work done for yourself. If I have money, I would get my butt done to a decent size  and fix my nose… but I’m not rich. Point is this rhetoric has to stop in Charlotte. I said women deserve better on my article… and Charlotte deserves better. Criticize her in ring work and booking all we can but the misogyny has to stop when it comes to her body. Becky and everyone has to stop with the body shaming; even if it’s all a “work”. Regardless of “fake”, she’s fucking gorgeous. Her face, her fits, down to her photoshoots… she is a gorgeous white woman. Who cares if things on her body is real or not, she’s a real woman that is beautiful! 

               (***Saw this on IG and this sums up women doing what they should with their bodies and bodyshaming)

Now when it comes to her failing friendship with Becky, I believe egos, problematic nature and other things played a part. I said a lot on this before so I’m not gonna spend too much time on it but regardless… neither are right on the whole title saga situation. Becky was painted as a hero and Charlotte got villianized by dirt-sheets… the same dirt-sheets who was praising her like the seconding coming of Jesus within the women division. Whether you believe Charlotte deserves the dragging and this conversation is earned, I have to called bullshit on the dirt-sheets now wanting to report said reports on her when they fed her ego . They painted her out likes she’s WWE Tessa Blanchard. Some of the reports can be exaggerated especially when it comes to her having no friends and being isolated in the locker-room. Doesn’t negate her being an issue to others but dirt-sheets DID paint her like she’s a Hogan… when she’s nowhere near close to him. While there’s smoke where there is fire and I believe there is some truth on what happened to her and Becky, we only seeing glimpses of what happened to them. Neither one of them is in the right. This isn’t black and white here no matter who you think is the hero here. Charlotte unprofessional behavior (no matter how much she was right about the Becky 2 Belt thing) is what initially spiraled all of this mess and more heat on her. Charlotte in her promo claimed Becky came back to soon after her pregnancy and implied Becky isn’t ready to balance being a mom and wrestler. Becky was bodyshaming. Both are wrong!!! We seen the angle, heard the reports, Becky and Charlotte worked-shoot comments and everything the past two weeks. It has brought out ugliness in both. Now they both turning into a work (and doing a good job especially their promos and characters). They are working everyone and getting us talking, it’s the biggest match on the SS show despite facing off so many times. They have the heat. Playing up their real life feelings and playing it up to their characters and kayfabe issues. I have to give credit to both. We seen wrestlers put their issues aside to tell work shoot programs but Becky and Charlotte have turned something so ugly into a intense work shoot and their match will be incredible this Sunday. I know many groaned about WWE booking this match once again but 1) it’s been two years since both have faced in a one on one match and they both evolved 2) it was bound to happen with them crossing paths once again. At some point in Becky return to the company, she was gonna face Charlotte. They are destined to wrestle each other like Sasha and Bayley.. 3) they want to work with each other and make money as much as possible despite their current feelings. They on different brands and don’t have to work with these other after SS. It’s not the end of the world if they have another match. If they have a killer match, then everything worked out and they can put their issues behind them; doing other things in their career and being working with each other ever again. I do hope one day they can get pasted this but that’s on them. UPDATE: the match was an incredible piece of work of work shoot style of emotion that both women beat the ever shit out of each other and wanted to hurt each other—took years of emotion out on each other and it led to one of best matches of the year. They have one of the modern day beat for beat stories and it hurts that their friendship came to an end and Becky (you can tell didn't want to go this route but WWE  and wrestling … they aloud it to tear them… the fans… themselves…). Give them both grief and praised; they both deserve it. This match and feud is gonna be in my list 

Favorite Matches of Charlotte Flair 

To end this article, I will discuss my favorite matches of Charlotte and her performances. This isn’t in any order btw. I’ll do six matches with different opponents and briefly discuss each:

1) Charlotte vs Asuka for the SD women championship on March 26, 2019 

I love this match— it tops their Mania match the year before— the counters and aggression .. the chemistry. Asuka was about to have her title rip away so the triple threat can be convoluted but—- Charlotte and Asuka made the drama. It was hard to watch but the match is worth some form of anger of thinking Asuka was legit robbed—- their chemistry is incredible work and while I don’t like they wrestled so many times in 2019 to 2020… they killed it a lot of times and made each match feel something somewhat. I wouldn’t mind one more match between them especially with how dangerous Asuka will be vs Charlotte .. they have unfinished business.
2) Becky Charlotte for the SD women championship on Oct 9,2018
Charlotte has underrated face moments of wanting to do what’s right for the sake of their friendship and still wanting her old Becky back—- she still wanted to do what’s right and have Becky come back to her but Becky threw it away and wanted to be on top. Multiple matches led to this match on SD … the match was really good and it felt like anyone game with the stipulation. The timing and pacing helped and after Charlotte bit natural selection — Becky rolled out and Charlotte screamed like she couldn’t understand and she had it. Becky tried to escape it but Charlotte chased after her—- leading to a huge spot in the titranton. It was chaotic and perfectly cooked. Charlotte shrikes herself wanted to save her former best friend—— but unfortunately she lost who she was until Ronda back along …

3) Sasha Banks vs Charlotte for the Raw women championship in a FCA stipulation

A hard hitting match! They main event the show with so much creative spots of Sasha wanting to get back her Raw women  title after once against losing it…it started in the early of the show but led to Charlotte not want to defend again can she was forced to defend in the main event with a stipulation of Faulk Count Stipulation. It felt a fast pace hard hitting FCA match with Sasha adapting style and Charlotte hard hitting athleticism and power— it led to both in the calf and the ending of Charlotte tapping in the rails in her hometown and —- she was said when her [dad] raised her dad hand. Bloody the title to Sasha again and wasn’t #q at the moment. She lost it and was on the revenge  and she was ready for her at Roadblock end of the line.


4) Bayley vs Charlotte for the Raw women championship in the main event of Raw

Bayley won her first Raw women championship in it and it is just as incredible as I first watched it. Charlotte and Bayley a underrated program of Bayley wanting to live out of her dream and win the raw women championship while being her… Charlotte had nepotism and the title to look down on Bayley. She had wrestling in her blood… she mocked Bayley for being a fan but Bayley had the record over Charlotte.. promos and everything added to Bayley vs Charlotte in the main event …and it was a incredible match that felt like it was Bayley night … and she was closing in one a win when Sasha helped counteract Dana and felt Charlotte lose the title as Bayley won the Raw women title, Charlotte played the role well and Bayley moment——Bayley run on top begin and Charlotte was desperate to get the title back— she didn’t .. 

5) Rhea vs Charlotte for the Raw women championship at MITB

The match that got Rhea on track for the better; Rhea was foundering and needed a great performance. Charlotte fave her a chance and the Becky chants help—- Rhea got UP and Charlotte gave her the dance: I was in aww.. the spots and counters. It was hard hitting and crazy… the natural selection and transition… it was big I felt either one could win. It felt a close fight and Charlotte won clean. Rhea can’t get the job truly done but she won—- Charlotte is a hard woman to beat cuz she is a unbeaten able woman ; you have to beat her at her own game. I feel like this match tops their Mania match and it gave Rhea more —- it was more equal and it felt like Charlotte was gonna win multiple times. That’s a PPV main event and Charlotte brought out the best out of Rhea 

6) Charlotte vs Bianca Belair for the Raw women championship on Raw October 18,2021

One of Bianca best matches and it made me want their feud and series next year. Bianca this year has been incredible in performance and upping her game … and she CLICKED for Charlotte giving us a “anything you can do”… I can do better aggressive style match that felt like either one can win. It main evented. That WHAT it was; a chemistry of both wanting to be the best in different ways of aggression … countering and stiffing and wanting the title—- who was gonna get momentum into Crown Jewel. Charlotte didn’t want to lose the title but Bianca needed the momentum. Bianca knew she was gonna win but Charlotte got herself DQ—- Charlotte knew Bianca was a threat and got DQed. Bianca has yet to be her cuz something gets in the match. She get close but she got Charlotte scared and she showed she can take Charlotte to her limit. I want this feud and match in the Maine ent of mania one day— Belair vs Flair Mania Main Event. I hope Bianca gets to fully main eventing Mania with all the Horsewoman and Charlotte get her flowers for speaking the truth on Bianca. I don’t but she wanted to drop the title to her—I do believe she loves Bianca so much.

7) Charlotte vs Becky Lynch Survivor Series ****… I have a hot take that I’m glad WWE … I’m glad they stuck with this match and didn’t make it anyone else like Bianca or Sasha. It was them—/ this match had you talking and the lead up was was worth it. They were set to main event but they got switched but it was fine— they showed they will and can main event and they deserve it.  Already said it all but the spots in the match, the emotion and the real life ass whooping they worked into the match. Immediately going off and Charlotte aggressive ass kicking and Becky storytelling of wanting to fight back and did. She wanted to rip Charlotte apart and Charlotte wanted to drive Becky into the ground and it created the best story I couldn’t stop talking about… I applauded both and they deserved to main event as much as open and I’m glad they got to get this huge match and hopefully …one day, they can results their issue. They went to war to see who truly one and two … they both are #1 but Charlotte was happy that Becky became her and beat her at her own game. They worked all of us to a beautiful story and some fo you can’t admit it— WWE capitalized on it and wanted all of it to be displayed. I hope they recover and go their seperate ways. Leave them alone and let them grief their friendship and feelings. They are humans too ❤️

So 1) stop talking and policing women bodies! It’s THEIRS ! YOU NOT SLEEPING WITH THEM AND EVEN IF YOU ARE— YOU NOT A WOMAN!!

2) don’t pick a side in a whole thing and don’t comment when they both have their feelings and are not wrong or right . It’s not black or white 

3. Give credit to wrestlers and respect them. When you hear her interview and perspective.. you understand where she comes from even when you don’t agree. 
She killing it and she earned 💐

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